O'Reilly Safari Tech Books: Tech books on many subjects. Set at "Web Authoring", but also available are: Web Administration, PERL, XML, and more.
Web Authoring Tools and Useful Information About Web Page Design
Adobe FrameMaker: Document production tool. Web page building tool. RoboHelp: Document production tool; produce online help.
Web Developer.com: Great site with valuable information for building and maintaining a web site. Website Abstraction: Collection of code, graphics, and tutorials. JavaScript Source: JavaScript code and examples. Matt's Script Archive: Free CGI scripts and examples. Mail forms, guestbooks, counters, etc. DynamicDrive.com: Provides code and information on web page effects. Opens at the page for changing mouse effects. 123Webmaster: JavaScript, HTML, scripts, banners, and code so you can enhance your web site. Some great features are presented here. Multimedia Workshop: Classes for Macromedia, JavaScript, Photoshop, Cold Fusion. Some in-class courses, some self-study courses. HTML Goodies: HTML, JavaScript, images, and tutorials. Moreover.com: Add real-time news to your web site. Choose the category, and the code is generated for you! I have also included a sample page relating to industry news in the graphics field. XMLpitstop.com: If you are using XML, this site is useful. Shockwave and Flash 5: Download files for dynamic content on web pages. See also Macromedia for more info on Flash 5 and creating page content. TUCOWS: The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software. Great resources for building a web site. (Pick your region for faster access.) Web Site Garage: Free and fee services to make your web site better. Free diagnostic of your site. LinkedUp: LinkedUp is a free service that offers personal web directories. Organize your links like those in Yahoo. The Free Site: The Free Site offers many freebies, among them Webmaster tools. Tripod.com: Tripod services web design tools for creating or enhancing web sites. Writing HTML: A collection of links which will help you find HTML-related sources. Web Design Studio: Borders, backgrounds, templates, banners, code, etc. Free Form: A free service to help you generate feedback forms. Macromedia: Company offering multimedia software, etc. Get your free copy (30 day trial) of Dreamweaver 1.2 web design tool. NetMind: NetMind For Webmasters. A service which allows you to automatically receive an e-mail when a site (you choose) has been altered/updated. PressAnyKey Reference Library: PressAnyKey Reference Library with links for JavaScript, HTML, etc. Live Universe.com: Online resources pointing to web-building tools; along with links to site for free graphics, web hosting, etc. EasyASP: Free program you can download for building web pages. A free comprehensive web editor software application. (Ed note: Read over the site, and use at your own risk.)
The HTML Writers Guild
The HTML Writers Guild: The HTML Writers Guild is a non-profit educational corporation with the goal of helping members improve their skills in the craft of web design. Access to resources including: Web design; technical information; the Guild's mentoring program; Jobs and Contracts services; and more.