Deaf and Hard of Hearing Links...
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The latest headlines concerning Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (
Links to Deaf/HOH sites....
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADA page with several links.
Federal and State Government
- The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
- General information and resources for persons with disabilities. (Formerly President’s Committee on Empoyment of People with Disabilities.)
Office of Disability Employment Policy
1331 F Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington D.C. 20004
Phone: 202-376-6200 (voice), 202-376-6205 (TTD), 202-376-6219 (FAX)
- Deaf & Hard-of-hearing In Government (DHHIG)
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) -- California Office
The California Governor's Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons
P.O. Box 826880, MIC 41
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
Street Address:
800 Capitol Mall, Room 5078, MIC 41
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 654-8055 (Voice)
(916) 654-9820 (TTY)
(916) 654-9821 (FAX)
(800) 695-0350
See also:
Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
Gallaudet University
- Gallaudet University (Washington, DC)
- THE college for Deaf.
- Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI)
- Deafness-related research.
Other Deaf-related schools
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf
- One of the colleges of Rochester Institute of Technology, serving Deaf and HOH students.
- See also Rochester Institute of Technology.
- California School for the Deaf - Fremont
- School for the Deaf based in Fremont, California.
- California School for the Deaf - Riverside
- School for the Deaf based in Riverside, California.
Deaf Studies and American Sign Language Degree Programs and Other Training (Sacramento, CA and surrounding areas)
- American Sign Language Studies at American River College (Sacramento, CA)
- Programs for degrees or certificates. Sign Language Studies, including an interpreting specialty. Go to their catalogue and look for the PDF document outlining the requirements for the Sign Language Studies major.
- Deaf Studies at Sierra College (Rocklin, CA)
- Overview of the Deaf Studies program at Sierra College.
- California State University, Sacramento (CSUS)
- CSUS's main page for the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology, and Deaf Studies Degree and Credential Programs Site. Click on the link marked "American Sign Language and Deaf Studies".
- American Sign Language/Deaf Studies main page. Provides an overview of the program.
- American Sign Language/Deaf Studies Major (B.A.). Lists the requirements for the major. See also the requirements for the American Sign Language/Deaf Studies Minor requirements.
- Links to certificate programs, applications, forms, etc are also available from the main page. Click on the link marked "American Sign Language and Deaf Studies".
Resources on the Internet
- Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
- CAST is an educational, not-for-profit organization that uses technology to expand opportunities for all people, including those with disabilities.
- See also their page for Bobby, which allows web developers to check their pages for easy access for people with disabilities. (For example, if a page has a sound file, add accompanying text to the page for hard-of-hearing people.)
- This website focuses on ASL, Interpreting and deaf related information.
- Better Hearing Institute
- Better Hearing Institute.
- Deafness-related site devoted to videoconferencing software for online conversations.
- Deaf Counseling, Advocacy and Referral Agency (DCARA)
- Deafness-related site providing links for a range of services (e.g., counseling, employment, interpreting, computer training, etc.) aimed at deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Northern California (Bay Area). See their links on the side of the page for the services they offer, as well as links to other useful information.
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing (
- Site listing resources for deaf and HOH. Jobs, schools, health professionals, etc.
- Deaf Linx.
- Deafness-related sites.
- Deaf Mall.
- Deafness-related links to deaf events, technology, books and videos, travel, etc.
- Deafscape
- Must be a member of the group to view the content. (Appears to be shut down.)
- Deaf Source
- Guide to resources for professionals serving the deaf community.
- Deaf World Web (Appears to be shut down.)
- Links to deaf/HOH resources. Check out the Main Site, the Nations Page, and the Deaf America Web page.
From DWW: "Deaf World Web is discontinued as of January 31st, 2001. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the meanwhile, enjoy the HandSpeak: A Sign Language Dictionary site at"
- Deaf California Web (Appears to be shut down.)
- Links to deaf/HOH sites (California). Part of Deaf World Web.
- Disability Resources.
- Disability listing of resources on the Internet for different disabilities. For specific resources geared toward deaf/HOH, click on this link..
- Deaf, Inc. (formerly Deaf Empowerment, Inc.)
- Deaf and HOH resources links. ADA, clubs, employment, organizations, sports, and more. See also Deaf Empowerment's main page.
- Deanne Bray's website links page
- Deanne Bray (Deaf actress) website, with resource links, including schools, organizations, events, and famous Deaf persons.
- Dr. Dave's Links. (Appears to be shut down.)
- Links to other sites for deaf/HOH. Links are broken down into areas.
- Handitel (Appears to be shut down.)
- Deaf and HOH resources links. Click on the "deaf & hearing impaired" link at the site.
- Hearing Hearth: Linx Page (Appears to be shut down.)
- Deaf and HOH resources links. Schools, organizations, international links.
- Hear My Hands
- Nonprofit organization dedicated to producing ASL videos and films. See also their list of links to other deaf/HOH-related resources.
- Billed as "an online community for the exchange of ideas and information on hearing loss."
- Hearing Loss Association of America - California
- Hearing Loss Association of America - California (formerly Self Help for Hard of Hearing (California)). Check out Hearing Loss Association of America's main page.
- Hearing Loss Web
- From their web site: "Hearing Loss Web is dedicated to people who have hearing loss, but are not members of the traditional Deaf community. This includes people who consider themselves to be hearing impaired, hard of hearing, late deafened, and oral deaf."
- Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center
- Information on Deafness. Assistive Devices and Hearing Aids; Careers and Employment; Communication and Sign Language; Education; and other topics.
- iCommunicator V.4.0
- Software designed to translate speech-to-text, speech-to-video sign, text-to-video sign, etc. From 21st Century Eloquence.
- MedLine Plus -- Hearing Disorders & Deafness
- An online resource provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Resource Links for Hearing Impaired.
- Links to other sites and resources for Deaf/HOH. Links are broken down into areas. Sponsored by Burdge Law Office Co., LPA.
Services, Organizations, Agencies, Jobs, and Miscellaneous Sites
- Laurent, South Dakota...A Town for Signers
- The web site for this proposed town located in South Dakota has been shut down. However, you can access some information about the town here and here.
- Guide to Deaf/HOH sites. Your guide is Jamie Berke (click on her name to see her bio).
- Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- One of the world's largest organizations and information centers on hearing loss.
- ASL Activities, Books, & Teaching Materials
- A collection of resources put together by Alysse Rasmussen, listing such items as teacher associations, ASL lectures, Deaf culture, and ASL books. Many links and resources.
- American Sign Language Teachers Association - ASLTA
- National organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching of ASL and Deaf Studies at all levels of instruction.
- ASLTA Chapters.
- Center for Accessible Technology in Sign (CATS)
- From their web site: "CATS is dedicated to providing accessibility to media via sign language. CATS' goal is to enhance literacy and general world knowledge by providing tools which make text, captions, video, web pages, and multimedia accessible to deaf users." From the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf. Of particular interest will be MySignLink, described as "...a free online tool that allows users to select any word on a web page or type a word in a prompt box and see a sign, signed definition and/or picture representing the word."
- Communication Access Network, Inc. (CAN) (Appears to be shut down.)
- From their web site: "Communication Access Network, Inc., a nationwide provider of sign language interpreting services, real time captioning and various consulting services relating to Deaf and Hard of Hearing communication accessibility."
- See also their related site My Video Interpreter.
- Beyond-Hearing (Appears to be shut down.)
- Web site supporting both deaf and hard-of-hearing.
- Companies Selling Adaptive Products for Hearing Loss
- Many resources, collected by Dana Mulvany, MSW, LCSW.
- - Your Gateway to the Deaf Community.
- Lots of useful links. DeafChat, DeafNotes, DeafNews, DeafStore, DeafPeople, and DeafConference.
- Deaf Dude's Deaf Links (Appears to be shut down.)
- Lots of useful links. Travel, captioning, jobs, clubs, news, services, etc.
- Deaf Education Option Web. (Appears to be shut down.)
- Site for education for deaf children, but with listings of resources worth checking out.
- Deaf Gay & Lesbian Center
- Site dedicated to gay/lesbian deaf.
- Deaf & Hard-of-hearing In Government (DHHIG)
- From DHHIG's web site: "DHHIG is a national non-profit organization whose purpose is two-fold. It serves as an employee support group for Federal employees who are either Deaf or Hard of Hearing and as a resource organization for the nationwide Federal government."
- Deaf and HOH Culture Information (Appears to be shut down.)
- However, other links to Deaf Culture are available here, here, and here.
- Article entitled "Working Effectively with Deaf or Hard of Hearing Employees" now available as a PDF doc.
- Deaflympics
- Site dedicated to the Deaflympics.
- DEAF Media
- Site dedicated to the visual and performing arts. From their web site: "DEAF Media, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to advocating for Deaf arts and to developing cultural, educational, and professional opportunities for the Deaf community." Be sure to visit their Resources page.
- DeafNation
- Site dedicated to Deaf issues, news, services, events, and similar items. Video segments on a variety of topics.
- Site provides various links or organizations and services for the deaf.
- DEAF SERVICES PROVIDERS (Office of Deaf Access)
- Northern California service providers for the deaf (California Department of Social Services). See also Deaf Access Program (DAP) Service Providers.
- Deaf Watch
- Clearinghouse of deaf-related information.
- Deaf West Theatre
- Resident Deaf theatre based in North Hollywood, CA.
- Deaf Women Against Violence (DWAV)
- Provides support and empowerment to deaf women and children who are victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. (This web site appears to be down. The site can also be accessed from the Deaf Women's Legal Project web site, which also provides access to the California Center for Law and the Deaf website.)
- Deaf Resource Library
- From their web site: "The Deaf Resource Library ( is a virtual library -- an online collection of reference material and links intended to educate and inform people about Deaf cultures in Japan and the United States."
- Famous Deaf People
- A site listing famous Deaf people throughout history. Brought to you by Celcom Youth Ambassadors.
- Hearing, Ear Infections, and Deafness - NIH
- From the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Information on deafness, communication options, causes of hearing loss, etc.
- Hearing Loss Web
- From their web site: "Hearing Loss Web is dedicated to people who have hearing loss, but are not members of the traditional Deaf community. This includes people who consider themselves to be hearing impaired, hard of hearing, late deafened, and oral deaf. We provide information on issues, medical topics, resources, and technology, and events related to hearing loss."
- Help Kids
- A site dedicated to helping parents of hard of hearing and deaf children. Resources, links, news, assistive devices, etc.
- A job listings site geared toward jobs that are Deaf-friendly, and for jobs working with the Deaf. See also the listing of companies, generally.
- See also my web page for jobs in general.
- Housing & Mortgages for People with Disabilities
- Site maintained by Information related to buying a house, as well as information on disability rights, Fair Housing Act, and ADA.
- International Deaf Pilots Association
- Organization for Deaf and HOH pilots.
- League for Hard of Hearing
- Sources for HOH.
- Merrill Lynch
- Investor services for deaf/HOH.
- Check out their Main Site
- National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
- From NAD's web site:  "A private, non-profit organization, the NAD is a dynamic federation of 51 state association affiliates including the District of Columbia, organizational affiliates, and direct members."
- National Theatre of the Deaf
- Theatre company of deaf actors. Based in Hartford, CT.
- NorCal Center on Deafness
- NorCal Center on Deafness serves the Northern California deaf communities.
Headquarters: Sacramento.
Serving Sacramento, Yolo, El Dorado, and Placer Counties.
NorCal Center on Deafness
4708 Roseville Road, Suite 112
North Highlands, CA 95660
916-349-7500 TTY/voice
916-349-7580 FAX
- OhSoEZ
- From their web site: "The goal of OhSoEZ is to make it easy for deaf, hard of hearing, interpreters and friends of the deaf community to find out about deaf community and interpreter related events." Also includes signed deaf-related news video clips.
- Rochester Deaf Sports Organization
- Sports organization for the Deaf, currently offering softball, basketball, and football. Also looking for other sports to join the organization.
- Sacramento Area ASL Events Page
- Events of all sorts in the Sacramento, CA area. Resources and links to other useful sites.
- Sacramento Deaf Services Library Foundation
- Deaf services at the Sacramento Public Library. Links regarding their services, and links to Deaf/HOH sites of interest. (Looks like this site is selling its domain name. No further info.)
- For Sacramento Public Library's Deaf Services page, check here.
- For deaf-related events in the Sacramento area, check here.
- Relay Services, generally.
- Sprint California Relay Service. TTY, VCO, IP Relay, Video Relay, Wireless Relay, etc.
- AT&T (formerly SBC, formerly Pacific Bell) Relay Services. TTY Relay, IP Relay, and VRS Relay.
- TTY over the Internet.
- ** allows for a no-cost way of making calls online, using a relay service. There are options as well for VRS (Video Relay Service), relay to wireless devices, and voice options for your computer.
- ** is a free Internet-based relay call service. Your choice of male or female operators, Spanish or English, TTY or IM formats.
- **Hands On VRS (HOVRS). HOVRS is an Internet-based video relay call service. See also the page explaining their service.
HOVRS Commercial - Interpreter. For a humorous take on Video Relay Services (VRS), watch this short video clip, with an appearance by comedian Keith Wann.
- Signs of the Times.
- Huntsville Deaf Awareness Page, home for important and interesting information concerning Deaf issues and concerns in the Huntsville Community.
- Theatre Access Project (TAP)
- From their web site: "Theatre Access Project (TAP) is a TDF [Theatre Development Fund] program that is designed to provide access in the performing arts for those with physical disabilities." Providing interpreters for live theatre performances, open captioning in theatres, and other services.
- Web site dedicated to deaf events, art, and information, specifically for the Northern California Bay Area. (There is a Flash intro, which you have the option to skip.)[Looks like this site is no longer up.]
- USA Deaf Sports Federation.
- The mission, as stated on their web site: "To provide year-round training and athletic competition in a variety of sports at the state, regional, national, and international level for developing and elite athletes".
- Various organizations.
- Collection of web sites dealing with organizations, services, agencies, etc. Provided by the Virginia Association of the Deaf.
- Various World Wide Websites: Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
- Collection of web sites dealing with news, organizations, personal web pages, services, agencies, etc.
Interpreter Services
- Class Act
- Class Act Interpreting Services of California. Phone: (916) 759-4594.
- No web site available.
- Eaton Interpreting Services, Inc.
- From their web site: "Professional Sign Language Interpreting Services. Serving the Greater Sacramento Area and Northern California." Services include: Social Services, Health Care, Conferences, and K-12 Education. See website for full listing.
- Hands On Sign Language Services
- From their web site: "24-Hour Sign Language Interpreting Service. Serving the United States with emergency services, centralizing in the Northern California region."
- Innovative Communication Services for the Deaf. Interpreting services. School, medical, theatre, etc.
- Sign Language Interpreting Services
- From their web site: "Sign Language Interpreting Services (SLIS) provides professional interpreting services for any communication event. Based in Sacramento California, we actively serve surrounding counties, all of California and Nevada." Services include: CART and Real Time Captioning services, Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), Transliterating and Oral Interpreting, and Deaf/Blind Tactile Interpreting. See website for full listing.
ASL Dictionaries (Online, for purchase, CD-ROM, etc.)
- American Sign Language Browser. (Video)
- Best video dictionary I have come across. ASL dictionary using video clips for signs. It requires QuickTime to be installed on your computer in order to view the animation clips. From Michigan State University.
-   (Video)
- Online video dictionary. Main dictionary, religious dictionary, conversational dictionary, and baby signs (teaching ASL to babies).
- Signing Savvy   (Video)
- Online video dictionary. Main dictionary. Fingerspelling, search feature, explanations. Browse by category.
- American Sign Language Library. (Video)
- ASL dictionary using video clips for signs. Dictionary is broken into several categories, such as Biology, Countries, Government, and Technology. Requires QuickTime in order to view. From EMBE Outreach (formerly NEEDS Outreach).
- ASL Dictionary   (Video)
- Pretty good, designed for beginners.....
- Learning ASL Fingerspelling
- Online fingerspelling resource. The product of the iMet12 program at California State University, Sacramento, EDTE281 class.
- Lifeprint Institute/ASL University   (Pictures)
- Site with an ASL dictionary and a free series of self-paced online American Sign Language courses. Presented by Dr. Bill Vicars.
See also the ASL University Main Page.
- Animated Dictionary of Religious Signs. (Animated clip art)
- ASL dictionary focusing on religious signs. Animated clip art instead of video.
- See also their Index page.
- K8AIT - Sign Language Dictionary.
- ASL dictionary using flash animation for signs.
- Randy's Sign Language Dictionary   (Video)
- This one has video clips. Patience required for slow images.....otherwise, pretty interesting. (Not functional at this time.)
- Online Dictionaries. Free!   (Video)
- This web site has numerous dictionaries, covering several subjects and several languages. There is a link for sign language dictionaries from the main page. There are then three web links for sign language dictionaries.
- National University Dictionaries
- Online dictionaries provided by National University. There are a few American Sign Language dictionaries available. (Site also contains other reference materials.)
- ASL Online   (Video)
- Sign language dictionary with video clips.
- Yahoo! --
- Yahoo! links to sign language-related web sites. Dictionaries, organizations, and institutes.
- Sign Language Dictionaries Online: Evaluating the Dictionaries.
- Jamie Berke compares a few online sign language dictionaries. Links to sign language dictionary sites are included.
- Sign With Me.
- Sign language dictionary (with video clips) aimed at teaching infants and children various everyday signs. Links to related products for teaching sign to children.
- Deaf
- A takeoff on Books, videos, games, electronic and assistive devices for deaf/HOH.
- Interax Home Page
- Video-based ASL course.
- Sign Media, Inc. home page
- Videos, books, etc. Of interest for those who want to learn ASL.
- Resources -- American Sign Language
- Site for sign language books, videos, and history of sign. Links to other sites.
- American Sign Language
- Fingerspelling dictionary, converter, and interactive quiz.
American Sign Language - Generally.
- American Sign Language Sites
- Links to sites about American Sign Language generally, ASL dictionaries, deafness, famous deaf people, hearing disorders, and other deaf-related sites.
- Sound and Fury
- PBS site, discussing Deafness generally, Deaf culture, cochlear implants, the film of the same name, etc.
- Glastonbury Foreign Language
- ASL links, ASL history, ASL dictionaries, Deaf education, Deaf culture, and other resources.
- General information about American Sign Language.
- From National Institute on Deafness and
Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)'s web site.
- SIGNhear Communication Center
- ASL links, learn some ASL.
- American Sign Language Studies at American River College (Sacramento, CA)
- Programs for degrees or certificates. Sign Language Studies, including an interpreting specialty. Go to their catalogue and look for the PDF document outlining the requirements for the Sign Language Studies major.
- Deaf Studies at Sierra College (Rocklin, CA)
- Overview of the Deaf Studies program at Sierra College.
- California State University, Sacramento (CSUS)
- CSUS's main page for the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology, and Deaf Studies Degree and Credential Programs Site. Click on the link marked "American Sign Language and Deaf Studies".
- American Sign Language/Deaf Studies main page. Provides an overview of the program.
- American Sign Language/Deaf Studies Major (B.A.). Lists the requirements for the major. See also the requirements for the American Sign Language/Deaf Studies Minor requirements.
- Links to certificate programs, applications, forms, etc are also available from the main page. Click on the link marked "American Sign Language and Deaf Studies".
- About American Sign Language
- American Sign Language, generally, as discussed by Karen Nakamura. Several other good references and web links to ASL and Deaf/HOH resources. See also generally the link to Deaf Resource Library as a great resource.
Captioning-related sites
- Captioning-aggregator site. From their site: "22frames indexes captioned videos from all over the Internet."
- "Videos in any language". Videos with subtitling. Choose a variety of languages. Subtitling allows Deaf/HoH viewers to follow the videos. You can also upload videos and add subtitling yourself. How-to tutorials available from this site.
- Media Access Group at WGBH
- Captioning-related site. Dedicated to providing access to present and future media for people with disabilities (captioning, descriptive audio services, etc.).
- Inside Captioning
- This takes you to a web site for Gary D. Robson, author of the book Inside Captioning. This book is of interest to deaf/HOH, court reporters, and realtime captioners. Covers law, technology, etc. for captioning.
- You can also order the book at [The old site (CyberDawg) no longer carries information about this book.]
- See also the companion site to "Inside Captioning":  The Captioning FAQ for more information. It is an offshoot of the Closed Captioning Web. By Gary D. Robson.
- Line 21 Media Services
- Line 21 Media Services specializes in closed captioning, subtitling, scripting and transcribing video productions. Based in Vancouver, BC.
- Cheetah Systems, Inc.
- Cheetah Systems - a leading supplier of tools for court reporting and closed captioning.
- Closed Captioning Web
- Captioning and related topics.
- The Captioning FAQ Companion site to "Inside Captioning", with a lot of information. By Gary D. Robson.
Assistive Devices and ordering catalogues
- Assistive devices for accommodating various disabilities. Blind, deaf/HOH, cognitive impairments, physical impairments, etc. See also the section aimed at products for Deaf and HOH.
- AidRight Hearing Aids
- Assistive listening devices and hearing aids for hearing impaired individuals.
- See also a related site Advice on Hearing Aids.
- Audex
- Assistive listening devices for hearing impaired individuals.
- Babble
- Assistive listening devices for hearing impaired individuals. This is not a conventional hearing aid. From the company's web site: "Listening device Babble is designed for people who do not need a classical hearing aid, but do have trouble understanding others in noisy surroundings." The company is based in the Netherlands.
- California Telephone Equipment Loan Program.
- Loan program of assistive devices. (PacBell.)
- See also the Pac Bell site for California Relay Service.
- Companies Selling Adaptive Products for Hearing Loss
- Many resources, collected by Dana Mulvany, MSW, LCSW.
- California Telephone Access Program (CTAP)/Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP).
- CTAP distributes telecommunications equipment and services for individuals certified as having functional limitations of hearing, vision, mobility, speech and/or interpretation of information.
- Deaf
- A takeoff on Books, videos, games, electronic and assistive devices for deaf/HOH.
- Assistive devices for deaf/HOH. Pagers, Blackberrys, Sidekicks, accessories, etc.
- Deaf Works.
- Catalogue and resources for deaf/HOH. Assistive devices for deaf/HOH.
- General Technologies
- Assistive devices for deaf/HOH.
- Harris Communications
- Catalogue and resources for deaf/HOH. Assistive devices for deaf/HOH. Great book selection, including dictionaries and career-specific references.
- Hearing Aids 101
- Web site dedicated to providing information about hearing aids from different manufactures, hearing aid accessories, and general information about hearing aids.
- Assistive devices for deaf/HOH. From their web site:   " offers products for the deaf, hearing impaired, heard of hearing, and deaf-blind. Offering lowest prices on great variety of products such as alert systems, hearing aids, amplification devices, amplification telephones, TTYs, TDDs, VCOs, ASL, vibrators, door sensors, amplifiers, audio enhancements, books and videos, computer products, vibrating watches, and so much more."
- NFSS Communications
- Assistive devices for deaf/HOH.
- Songbird Disposable Hearing Aids.
- Disposable hearing aids.
- SoundBytes.
- Assistive devices for HOH. Catalogue available.
- Ultratec
- Manufacturer of text telephones (TTY) and assistive devices for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired.
- Weitbrecht Communications, Inc.
- Assistive devices for deaf/HOH.
- Agotel
- Pagers, devices, and service for the deaf. (Deaf owned/operated.)
- Pagers, devices, and service for the deaf.
- Pagers, devices, and service for the deaf.
- Early Alert Response System   (E.A.R.S.)
- A device to detect emergency vehicle sirens; for deaf/HOH drivers. (Not in service.)
Sign Language Technology
- Machine Gesture and Sign Language Recognition.
- Designing machines to interpret body positions, leading to machines which will interpret Sign Language.
- A Glove That Speaks Volumes
- Wired magazine article about a sign language translator glove that works by sensing hand movements.
- eSchool News Online
- Web site dedicated to K-12 schooling and bringing technology to the classroom. Article about a sign language translator glove, similar to the article in Wired magazine.
This page last updated September 9, 2010.
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