Course descriptions and dates/times for the Spring semester, 1998.
Fencing I:
Part I concentrates on the introduction to fencing as a sport. It
introduces and stresses the physical aspect of fencing, safety
requirements and safety precautions, the equipment, and introduces the
customs and courtesies of fencing. This section is designed for people
who are new to fencing, or for experienced fencers returning to fencing,
to concentrate on the basics of footwork and elementary bladework.
Students will be required to provide their own thin work glove for the
dominant/fencing hand. When registering for this class, please let us
know if you plan to use your own equipment. Please let the registrar
know if you are right or left handed. For those without equipment, a fee
of $7 is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.
February 28 - March 21, 1998
Saturdays, 9 - 11 am
Location: YSM 187 (YSM = Yosemite - formerly PE 187)
Fencing II:
Part II builds on Part I. New exercises for bladework and footwork are
introduced, and the focus shifts from defense to offense. Bladework
moves from simple to complex moves. Footwork and bladework are combined.
Strategy and the application of skill sets are stressed. Students will
be required to provide their own thin work glove for the
dominant/fencing hand. When registering for this class, please let us
know if you plan to use your own equipment. Please let the registrar
know if you are right or left handed. For those without equipment, a fee
of $7 is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.
March 28 - April 25, 1998 --- No class April 11, 1998.
Saturdays, 9 - 11 am
Location: YSM 187
Fencing III:
Part III builds on Part I and II. Competition and the application of
fencing rules are introduced. Students who have more experience fencing
will benefit from the ability to judge and direct bouts; will concentrate
on strategy, and are presented with the opportunity to explore other
weapons. Demonstrations and instruction in epee and sabre are
introduced. Students have the opportunity to try other weapons.
Participants will be required to provide their own thin work glove for
the dominant/fencing hand. When registering for this class, please let
us know if you plan to use your own equipment. Please let the registrar
know if you are right or left handed. For those without equipment, a fee
of $7 is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.
May 2 - May 23, 1998
Saturdays, 9 - 11 am
Location: YSM 187
The following applies to all classes:
Students will be required to provide their own thin work glove for
the dominant/fencing hand.
Please let the registrar know if you are right or left handed.
When registering for this class, please let us know if you plan to
use your own equipment. This equipment is subject to the instructor's
approval, for safety reasons.
Note: For those without equipment, a fee of $7 is payable to the
instructor at the first class meeting. This is a one-time fee. If you
are registered for multiple sessions, you are only required to pay the
fee once.
The instructor provides: weapon, mask, and jacket. If you don't have a
glove, one is available from the instructor.
Contact information:
Regional and Continuing Education Program
California State University, Sacramento
7750 College Town Drive
Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95826-3344
Phone: (916) 278-4433 (General information.)
Classes located on CSUS campus at:
6000 "J" Street
Sacramento, CA
Location: YSM 187
Instructor: Randall Ulrich