I've put together a couple of other pages.

My other sites......

My Home Page: This was a final project in a web design course. Shows other features using HTML.
The Big Experiment: I used Adobe PageMill...
Another experiment...: Experimenting with various free services, banners, JavaScript, and other devices found on the Internet.

My other interest (Patents)......

USPTO.: United States Patent Office. Intellectual property. A hobby of mine. Use their direct link.

Delphion Intellectual Property Network: (Formerly IBM Patent Server)   Search for U.S. patents.

What is a Patent?: Answers to common questions from the law firm of Oppedahl & Larson LLP

Marger, Johnson, et al.: United States Patent Office and related material.

Submit Your Ideas: One of America's leading invention firms (Invention Submission Corporation) can help you submit to industry.

My other interest (Copyrights)......

U.S. Copyright Office: U.S. Copyright Office, a part of the Library of Congress.

My hobbies...


AirNav.com: Links to find airpoirts, navigations aids, fixes, and sources for aviation fuel.

Pilots Cafe.com: Links to all things aeronautical: flight schools, aircraft manufactures, pilot supplies, weather services, aviation organizations, etc.


MotorcycleRow.com: Useful links for anything related to motorcycles. Suppliers, dealers, insurance, services, etc.


Stay tuned for more info.

